Surveys on data collection, exchange and storage in collaboration calls

The SERENDI-PV consortium is working on various topics covering different types of PV systems (bifacial PV, floating PV, BIPV, …) as well as different PV performance challenges (soiling, degradation, …). SERENDI-PV partners have developed innovative software tools to deal with PV reliability (monitor and diagnosis faults in utility-large, medium-size and residential PV systems) for innovative PV technologies. With experimental data from stakeholders, these tools can be further validated and improved. That is why COPLASIMON has opened collaboration calls to open the SERENDI-PV tools to the external stakeholders interesting in sharing or receiving data. This represents a further opportunity to gather feedback on data collection, database, transfer protocols, data privacy and distribution through a survey.
The survey can be accessed through this link: Survey on industrial data platform